My Story

I'm Matt, and I've been where you might be right now. In 2015, I was grappling with severe depression, feeling stuck in a cycle of inertia. Every task seemed insurmountable, and even the simplest actions felt like monumental challenges. It was a constant battle just to get started.

That's when I devised a simple yet powerful system to kickstart my motivation and recognise even a few minutes of activity. I began timing myself for 30-minute intervals, assigning points to each activity based on its difficulty. The harder the task, the more points I earned. Suddenly, even the smallest victories felt significant. From brushing my teeth to completing chores, each effort was a step forward.

Setting daily and weekly points goals became my roadmap to progress. As I started hitting those targets, I felt a sense of accomplishment that lifted the weight of guilt and shame. Recognising my efforts, no matter how small, gave me permission to enjoy guilt-free downtime.

Gradually, I increased my goals, challenging myself to tackle more daunting tasks. With each milestone reached, I gained momentum and rediscovered my motivation. In just a few weeks, I was on the path to recovery, feeling empowered and capable once again.

What I stumbled upon was a form of Behavioral Activation, a proven method for combating depression. Inspired by my own journey, I collaborated with therapists and their clients to transform my system into Get into Gear, an app designed to empower you to take control of your life.

Today, I use Get into Gear daily to pursue what matters most to me. It's not just a tool for productivity; it's a lifeline that keeps me motivated and focused on my goals. And now, I'm thrilled to share it with you, in the hopes that it can be as transformative for you as it has been for me.

Thank you for taking the time to hear my story. I believe Get into Gear can make a real difference in your life, just as it has in mine.

Our Story (pt. 2)

What Bojan was struggling with the most:

“Feeling stuck. During the period of isolation when the pandemic hit in 2020 - essentially being under house arrest for months - it was getting harder to find balance and keep a sense of control in my life. I was swinging from one extreme to the other. There was a period of excessive drinking and video conferencing with friends around the world. There was a period of bingeing on movies and TV series. There was a time when I worked too much and started losing touch with my wife. There was a period where I rediscovered my passion for guitar and music. However, after the initial couple of weeks I would drop whatever my focus was at the time and eventually, I started running out of ideas and feeling more helpless and trapped."

What Bojan was finding the most scary:

“Not being able to find a balanced approach with all different activities that would be sustainable - being stuck in a cycle of going from one extreme to the other, and yet, needing distraction from the scary world around me. The scariest thing was being left alone with my thoughts, surrounded by scary news - number of daily cases ticking up, the images of body bags, the lies of the government, fake news, racial injustice, social unrest, record wildfires raging in Australia, Amazon and California… I felt it was all becoming too much to process. I needed to create my own bubble of reality in order to protect my sanity.”

How Get into Gear helped:

“I wanted to make changes in my life as I wasn’t feeling good about myself. Get into Gear gave me a sense of control without creating additional pressure that I have to do something by a certain time or in some specific way or quantity. 

By creating the “a la carte menu” of all the things I wanted to spend my time on in order to keep myself entertained but also keep the lid on some of the (self-destructive) behaviors I wanted to limit, it helped me find my focus and “see the light at the end of the tunnel”. Seeing the list of all possible things I can spend my time doing also gave me a sense of freedom derived from the sheer variety of activities.

By getting points for things that I was getting done in a day I was acknowledging to myself all the efforts put in - this created an instant sense of accomplishment and I started feeling more confident. I found it fascinating how quickly we tend to discredit ourselves for things we’re already doing - Get into Gear helped me see myself in a new light. 

In order to find balance between all things I wanted to accomplish after work (including launching Get into Gear as an app with my partner Matt) I utilized the reporting features and the points system itself to fine-tune my lifestyle. Initially it took some adjustments to the points goal and how many points each activity should carry - this process alone made me assess the relative importance of each personal development area and resulted in a clearer focus of my intent. This is the beauty of Get into Gear - everyone defines their own points scale and their life goals, we don’t prescribe a path to happiness, we help you define it for yourself.

One of my favorite quotes from the Lord of the Rings movie is when Gandalf tells Frodo: “All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that’s given to us”. To me, this is what it means to live your life to the fullest - choose where you spend it. Due to the finite nature of our lives, time is the only true currency we have and how we invest it defines us."

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